Mental Health

Around the World

Be inspired by mental health change makers.

Mental health change makers are not where you would expect to find them.
Entrepreneurs, artists, politicians, activists, athletes, neuroscientists, healthcare professionals, etc. Despite their diversified profiles, they share a common trait, they dare to bring change.
The field : this is where it happens. What could be better than meeting these change makers and discovering what makes them succesful. Immerse yourself in their work, their daily environment and find their keys to innovation.
Using photo reports is the best way to represent this diversity
As a mental health enthusiast, I’ll scout the field and carry you through this journey within the culture of change.
So that you are part of this change in culture, and that you are able to develop your own point of view.
We will meet those who dared.
As a reader of these testimonies coming from all around the world, you will take the first step to become a critically-aware change-maker.

Last stories

Hello, my name is Thomas Cantaloup

Psychiatrist & Entrepreneur, I have been supporting project leaders for several years.
Involved in mental health, public health and digital health, I love to create bridges between people with whom I share my vision.
Do you believe we need to improve the population's Mental Health ? Do you want to change the world ? Contact me on my social networks.